About Us

Our Mission

Our Mission

We aim to revolutionize the stationery industry with innovative eco-friendly alternatives to plastic writing instruments. Our goal is to set new standards for sustainability, inspiring a global shift towards environmentally responsible practices in all industries.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Imagine a world where every product respects the planet. At NOTE, we envision a future where sustainable practices are the norm, making eco-friendly design the standard. This isn’t just about pens; it’s about revolutionizing how we think about and use everyday products, with no offence to earth.

Our Vision and Mission

NOTE is committed to Environmental and Sustainable values as integral parts of our mission and vision, rooted in ESG principles.

Eradicate Plastic Pens
By 2040, we'll relegate plastic ball pens to museum displays, making
them obsolete.
Empower Artisans
Supporting tribal and rural artisans by preserving their art and empowering communities.
Plastic-Free Stationery
Revolutionize the stationery industry by ensuring that
all products are made
100% plastic-free.
Reduce Carbon emission
Let's ditch plastic ball pens and keep tons of plastic out of landfills!

We are Shivani and Saurabh Mehta, the founders of NOTE

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Why Pens?

Why Pens?

You might wonder why we chose pens as our starting point. Here’s the thing: pens are deceptively simple yet incredibly wasteful. Each year, around 50 billion pens are tossed into the trash. Most of them are made of plastic, which is terrible because plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose. The writing part of a pen—the ink and tip—makes up just a tiny fraction of its overall material. The rest? Mostly plastic, destined to outlive us all.


What if we could make a pen that doesn’t harm the planet? What if we could spark a chain reaction in the stationery industry that would ripple out to other sectors? We developed ball pens with ZERO PLASTIC. made entirely from recycled newspaper. It’s not just a pen; it’s a symbol of turning waste into something functional and beautiful. By eliminating plastic and using 100% biodegradable materials, we’re proving that sustainable design is not just possible—it’s essential.

Our Sustainability Commitment

Zero Plastic Policy
Zero Plastic Policy
Committing to a Future
Without Plastic
Circular Economy
Circular Economy
Promoting Sustainable
Product Lifecycles
Artisan Empowerment
Artisan Empowerment
Supporting Rural and
Tribal Crafts
Innovation in Design
Innovation in Design
Pioneering Sustainable
Stationery Solutions

The Path Forward

Our vision is bold, but it’s not impossible. Here’s how we plan to get there:

Using 100% recycled materials, our biodegradable Paper Refill™ ensures complete breakdown and return to the earth.
Our pens contain no plastic, ideal for minimizing plastic pollution
Our refills fit a wide variety of pen bodies, promoting longevity and reducing disposable writing instruments.
We're gearing up for mass production and adoption, aligning with global sustainability goals for brands and consumers alike.

Core Belief

Guiding principles that shape our mission and actions

We work with peers, communities, and industries to create a sustainable future, believing unity drives monumental change.
We share our journey openly, including successes and learning moments, fostering trust and growth.
We're committed to continuous improvement, turning ambitious ideas like eliminating plastic pens into reality.
We strive for sustainability in every decision, holding ourselves accountable for our environmental impact.

Meet the Team

Changing the world isn’t a solo endeavor—it takes a team of passionate, slightly crazy, and immensely dedicated individuals to turn a vision into reality. At NOTE, we’ve assembled a crew that not only believes in the mission but lives it every single day. Here’s a glimpse into the hearts and minds driving our mission of sustainability and innovation

Saurabh H. Mehta
Saurabh H. Mehta

CEO & Co-Founder

Shivani Mehta
Shivani Mehta

Co-Founder & Design Head

Abhishek Shukla
Abhishek Shukla

Brand Manager

Himika Prabhat
Himika Prabhat

Marketing Associate

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Curious about something?
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Certifications & Accreditations

Meet our Artisans

Meet our Artisans

Dive into the life of artisans who breathe life into our pens with their exquisite art and craft.

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